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Quick solution

The Lemmings Chronicles / All New World of Lemmings - Amiga


  • Quicklink: The Lemmings Chronicles / All New World of Lemmings, Amiga, Shadow, 18 Level 18

  • Number of lemmings that drop: 32

  • Available time: Time: The Lemmings Chronicles / All New World of Lemmings, Amiga, Shadow, 18

  • Lemmings to save: 8

  • Overview: The Lemmings Chronicles / All New World of Lemmings, Amiga, Shadow, 18
  • You have to do most of the actions simultaniously otherwise you will run out of time. The trapped lemmings walking around will pick up grenades. Let them throw grenades when they are walking to the left and are underneath the metal in their ceilings. Mark the lemming from the entrance that picked up the grenades and make the first non-marked lemming walking to the right a blocker before the desintegrating steps. The marked lemming must throw a grenade to the left and the right when he's just in the middle of the entrance, this is marked in the floor. While this is happening, have the third lemming from above walk back to the right and throw a grenade when he's underneath the single mark in the ceiling. Now drop the remaining grenades and walk through the gap created by the grenade. Pick up the bricks and build up when the bird is to the right of the lemming. Now release the blocker.

Last edit: Wednesday, 14 May 2008.

Main source: own words.
Graphics: The Lemmings Chronicles / All New World of Lemmings, Amiga platform.