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Quick solution

Lemmings 2: The Tribes - Amiga


  • Quicklink: Lemmings 2: The Tribes, Amiga, Beach, 9 - Sand Blaster Level 9

  • Sand Blaster

  • Number of lemmings that die: 0

  • Available time: 07:00

  • Skills: Lemmings 2: The Tribes, Amiga, Beach, 9 - Sand Blaster
  • Overview: Lemmings 2: The Tribes, Amiga, Beach, 9 - Sand Blaster
  • Turn the fourth lemming into an attractor and build over the water with the first lemming. When he walks back, give him a bazooka at the left side of the platform. Now use several mortars and bazooka's to get through the castle. You have to land at the right side of the water. Build a platform near the trap and blast through the obstacle using two bazooka's. Now release the attractor.

Last edit: Wednesday, 14 May 2008.

Main source: own words.
Graphics: Lemmings 2: The Tribes, Amiga platform.