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Quick solution

Lemmings - Amiga


  • Quicklink: Lemmings, Amiga, Taxing, 16 - Mary Poppins' land Level 16

  • Mary Poppins' land

  • Number of lemmings that drop: 100

  • 97% to be saved

  • Release rate: 50

  • Available time: 03:00

  • Skills: Lemmings, Amiga, Taxing, 16 - Mary Poppins' land
  • Overview: Lemmings, Amiga, Taxing, 16 - Mary Poppins' land
  • Turn the first lemming into a floater and block the other lemmings. When the first lemming is halfway the first wall, turn it into a builder. It should turn around immediately. Now turn it in a builder again and build to the start point. When he turns back heading for the exit, turn it into a builder so it will turn back. Now build the second stairs. When you're near the wall, blow up the blocker.

Last edit: Wednesday, 14 May 2008.

Main source: own words.
Graphics: Lemmings, Amiga platform.