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Quick solution

Holiday Lemmings 1994 - Amiga


  • Quicklink: Holiday Lemmings 1994, Amiga, Hail, 15 - Steel Block Party Level 15

  • Steel Block Party

  • Number of lemmings that drop: 60

  • 100% to be saved

  • Release rate: 40

  • Available time: 05:00

  • Skills: Holiday Lemmings 1994, Amiga, Hail, 15 - Steel Block Party
  • Overview: Holiday Lemmings 1994, Amiga, Hail, 15 - Steel Block Party
  • Turn the first lemming into a climber and when he's on top of the wall, dig down until he reaches a point where he can bash to the right and get to the exit. Lemmings 2,3,4 and 5 must build stairs on top of each other so the other lemmings get trapped. Should a builder reach the wall, dig down. Don't dig down to soon or the stairs won't block the other lemmings. Place the stairs very carefully!

Last edit: Wednesday, 14 May 2008.

Main source: own words.
Graphics: Holiday Lemmings 1994, Amiga platform.